Stay tuned!
Here you'll find everthing that happened in the near past and will occur in the near future.
A full list of all Concerts ever played by us is to be found

About us
Welcome to the Zoo. If Basel's music scene was an egg, we'd be the yellow part of it. But since Basel's music scene is not an egg, we are the flamingos. But actually that's just a name which stands for funky grooves, jazzy funk and bluesy mood. One, two, three, magic horse, we are Los Tros flamingos!


Also known as the red danger. He owes this nickname to his constant companion, a large, red backpack that leaves a trail of devastation with every turn. He feels at home on the trombone and its red KEytar. Is gifted in design, which the Visauls of this website more than prove.

Our professor for all types of Spanish, Latin American and especially Argentine languages, dances and musical styles. Fortunately, he is also an excellent drummer and would also be a double bass player in our band if this double bass were not too big to take it to the concerts or to put it on stage at all.

only plays the trombone, bass, drums and invents most of the songs. so he feels rightly unnecessary in the band. He is fluent in body language
and is a true mood frog (mood readable and predictable). But he is also known as a singer of rain dances and
Master of ceremonies of shaman rituals.

plays the guitar with a rhythmic aggressiveness that even COry WOng can't keep up with. Fortunately he sings and is very perfectionistic. Usually to be found behind a curtain on stage. Responsible for the instrumental part of the songs and for the Czech edition of this website.

Quote of the week:
"its. been long since The last ice bear "

Paul Andres Elze
Fabrice Voisard
Cita Röllinger
Livia Nissen
Uma Dietsche
Flynn Jost
Orad Chidiosan
Paula Mueller
Charlotte Loeffler
Nelio Fistarol
Elizabeth Enid Muse
Gwendolin Studer
Leander Vettiger
Fionn Bumann
Michi Pfeuti
Claudio Gagliardi
Silvio Pfiffner
Stephanus Kirche Basel
Jan Ratschko
Samuel Bosshardt
Janosch Krug
Our Heros
The Beatles
Herbie Hancock
James Brown
Stevie Wonder
Ray Charles
Eddie Harris
Luis Alberto Spinetta
Chet Baker
Little Richard
Chuck Berry
Jaco Pastorios
Vulf Peck
Joe Zawinul
Roberto Santos
Young Hurn